Just had a little revision done for Missing. The evolution from Lost to Missing has been an interesting journey. I felt the cover of Lost was to Harlequin Romance-ish. I hate it when books don’t deliver on the cover. This story was all about each character helping the other to become better, adventure and romance, overcoming self and trials, figuring out why we have this overwhelming need to feel loved, etc.

So I had the cover revised to Missing, especially when potential readers wondered whether Lost was linked to the popular TV show (which it is not in any way). This last revision was simply to soften the top edge, remove some figures in the title lettering, and a different font for the author. I am really pleased with how it turned out. The designers did a fantastic job. I feel like it captures much of the dual meanings that the story encapsulates. Hope you enjoy it too.

Cover - eBook - Missing.jpg

Speaking of new covers…the second book in the Legacy of Atlantis trilogy to be revealed shortly!
