Wow! I thank you for all of the support. I have the most wonderful readers. I didn’t expect such an overwhelming response to preview Missing. I am planning on releasing it July 1 and I have raised my goal to get 100 reviews July 1 or soon after to help prospective readers know what kind of a book they’re reading.

With so many requests, I don’t know if I can get everyone a physical copy. So in the next week or so, I will be emailing those that requested a copy a digital copy. If you absolutely need a physical copy, please let me know and I can get one to you.

Thank you, thank you for all of the support. This is a book that I am proud of and I believe that everyone can get something to apply to their closest relationships. Lost was just not quite me and people were relating it to the television series, though it’s not even close.

You all are so wonderful. Be watching for my new release Missing July 1.

