Bryan Ackerman

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Kindle Unlimited

I tried an experiment with my first two books. Edge of Atlantis I only sell on Amazon because it is enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited program. If you enroll in Kindle Unlimited then it is exclusive to Amazon and you aren’t able to sell your book through other channels but you are paid by each paid read through Kindle Unlimited. Lost I did not put on Kindle Unlimited and also pushed it through other channels through Smashwords to get it distributed through Apple, Barnes & Noble, etc.

Amazon is the monster in the room that you can’t ignore and has to be addressed. Amazon has given tremendous opportunity to aspiring authors and other channels for established authors. The interesting thing for me is that when Edge of Atlantis was released, there were quite a few payments through Kindle Unlimited but now that it is over a year since release, I don’t get many royalties through Kindle Unlimited anymore.

On the other hand Lost sold a few books through Smashwords but the large majority of sales are through Amazon even though the Kindle Unlimited program is not activated. Amazon is definitely a must but I am still debating on whether to enroll the next book in the Kindle Unlimited program. For what it is worth, I am leaning towards keeping the first book in a series on the Kindle Unlimited program and quite possibly having a limited sale on book 1 when book 2 is released.

It has been an interesting experiment and a fun ride.